Oral and dental health has a very important place for individuals in every period of life. If the physical problems seen in the oral and dental structure are not resolved, they can lead to a series of health problems. Therefore, it is important to identify the problems experienced in a timely and accurate manner. At this point, Orthodontic treatments are a specialty that comes to the fore in eliminating dental problems. The relevant specialty diagnoses and treats the harmonious relationships of incompatible and crowded teeth. It tries to prevent crowding and disorder in patients’ teeth.
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The age and the problems experienced by the patients who will undergo orthodontic treatment are evaluated together. For example, in the case of an anterior or posterior disorder observed in the lower jaw, the treatment method is determined according to the age status. Therefore, if the patient is in adolescence, it may be possible to correct this disorder with orthodontic treatments. However, orthodontic treatments alone may not be sufficient for disorders seen at advanced ages. In addition to these treatments, surgical procedures may come into play. Knowing the factors that may cause orthodontic disorders may facilitate treatment. In the case of mouth breathing, jaw malalignment can be observed. In mouth breathing, the person may develop stenosis in the upper part of the jaw and the form will deteriorate. On the other hand, negative habits such as bottle use, nail biting and finger sucking can cause orthodontic disorders. Such habits should be kept under control and treated early. The earlier it is treated, the greater the impact on the correct completion of skeletal development.
There are many reasons that affect the structure and alignment of the teeth in the mouth. Orthodontics is the field of dentistry applied in such alignment problems and crowding. The tongue structure, which is located in the mouth together with our teeth, also has an important place in this regard. So much so that sometimes the structure of the language can be larger than it should be. In such cases, the tongue causes spacing of the teeth and directly affects the tooth alignment. On the other hand, tooth gaps observed due to extraction can also cause tooth spacing. Another reason observed in dental disorders is the jaw structure. If the jaw structure is small but the teeth are large, it is observed that the teeth do not fit in the jaw. For this reason, crowding of the teeth can be observed. Milk teeth, which we know from childhood, also play an effective role in the formation and alignment of the tooth structure. Early loss of deciduous teeth or late loss of deciduous teeth is important. After the loss of deciduous teeth, it may be seen that this loss causes alignment problems or crowding in other teeth. In other words, milk teeth lost on time, not early or late, is a desirable situation. Untimely loss of deciduous teeth directly affects the location of permanent teeth in the mouth. Because the permanent teeth in the mouth are positioned according to the milk teeth. In possible gaps, the possibility of these teeth slipping is strengthened. Therefore, timely loss of deciduous teeth and positioning of permanent teeth where they should be is the desired picture. Cavities formed in early losses affect permanent teeth. In late losses, crowding may occur with the possibility of permanent teeth not finding a place for themselves.
Orthodontic treatments are not only one of the methods used in requests arising from aesthetic concerns. In other words, only individuals who are uncomfortable with the appearance of their teeth do not turn to these treatments. Because such dental disorders can manifest themselves with different disorders in the future. In particular, it can sometimes appear as a gum disease, sometimes as jawbone problems. For this reason, orthodontists are in constant collaboration with other branches of dentistry. It is desirable for individuals to consult dentists without disrupting dental structure disorders. In this way, it will be possible to prevent other diseases that may occur in the future.